Fitnessterapy 3-month cutting program

A 3-month cutting program aims to reduce fat mass while maintaining muscle mass. This requires a balance between a suitable diet and targeted training.

Drying program over 3 months:

**Month 1: Adaptation and Getting Started**

*Training :*

- Days 1, 3, 5: Strength training (weightlifting) targeted on major muscle groups (chest, back, legs)
- Days 2, 4, 6: Moderate cardio (30-45 minutes): Running, cycling, swimming, etc.

*Food :*

- Eat slightly below your calorie needs now (moderate calorie deficit)
- Prioritize lean proteins, vegetables and sources of complex carbohydrates
- Avoid processed foods high in added sugars

**Month 2: Intensification**

*Training :*

- Incorporate HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts 2-3 times a week
- Continue strength training 3-4 days a week, increasing the intensity

*Food :*

- Maintain moderate calorie deficit, adjust as needed based on progress
- Control your portions and carefully track your calorie intake
- Increase intake of green leafy vegetables to increase satiety

**Month 3: Finalization and Refinement**

*Training :*

- Increase the intensity of HIIT sessions, working at shorter but more intense intervals
- Include occasional fasted cardio sessions
- Continue strength training by varying the exercises to avoid stagnation

*Food :*

- Slightly reduce the extra calories for a more pronounced deficit (but be careful not to lose muscle)
- Be sure to consume enough protein to support muscle recovery
- Opt for low-carb meals at the end of the day

**Important Tips:**

- Stay well hydrated throughout the program
- Prioritize quality sleep to aid recovery
- Avoid foods high in salt and sugar
- Make periodic evaluations of your progress to adjust the program if necessary

Note that this program is general and should be tailored to your needs, current fitness level and personal goals. Before starting any cutting program, it is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to ensure it is right for your specific situation.

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