Order refund after cancellation

Refund of my order after cancellation

Following a cancellation request, your order will be refunded differently depending on the payment method used.
Payment made by BANK CARD on the site
In this case, no withdrawal is made before my order is shipped. Thus, upon cancellation, the payment is also canceled.
If my order has already been shipped and I have requested a return, I will then be automatically refunded to my bank account within 3 to 5 business days as soon as the return is confirmed.
Payment made by PAYPAL on the site
The debit is made as soon as the order is created, so I will be reimbursed directly to my Paypal account within 72 hours.
Payment made by fitnessterapy GIFT CARD
A new fitnessterapy gift card will be sent to me by email.
Deferred payment
I have no action to take. If the debit has been made, the refund will be launched automatically upon cancellation of the order. If the collection has not yet taken place, I will not be collected.