Weight gain program over 3 months FITNESSTERAPY

3-month bulking program including nutrition and strength training sessions. Remember that bulking up requires a personalized plan based on your current fitness level, goals, and specific needs.

**Month 1: Establishing a Solid Base**

*Training :*

- Days 1, 3, 5: Targeted strength training on major muscle groups (chest, back, legs)
- Exercises: Bench press, pull-ups, squats, deadlift, military press, etc.
- Days 2, 4, 6: Active rest or light cardio (30 minutes)

*Food :*

- Calories slightly higher than maintenance (slight calorie surplus)
- Divide meals into 5-6 small meals throughout the day
- Prioritize lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats
- Make sure you stay hydrated and get enough fiber

**Month 2: Mass Gain Intensification**

*Training :*

- Continue with strength training 3-4 days a week, increasing loads gradually
- Introduce isolation exercises to specifically target certain muscles
- Active rest days or light cardio between strength training sessions

*Food :*

- Gradually increase calories to maintain a moderate calorie surplus
- Include protein-rich snacks between main meals
- Consume a variety of protein sources to meet recovery needs

**Month 3: Mass Gain Maximization**

*Training :*

- Continue strength training by varying exercises and increasing loads
- Introduce stepping techniques like supersets and drop sets
- 1-2 light cardio or HIIT sessions per week to maintain cardiovascular fitness

*Food :*

- Maintain calorie surplus, adjust as needed based on your progress
- Increase carbohydrate intake to support energy and recovery
- Be sure to eat balanced and nutritious meals to support your intense workouts

**Important Tips:**

- Prioritize sleep and recovery to promote muscle growth
- Be sure to consume enough protein to support muscle protein synthesis
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Closely monitor your progress and adjust your program accordingly

This program is designed to give you a general overview of what a 3-month bulking plan might look like. However, it's important to customize this program to suit your needs, consult with a healthcare professional or personal trainer before beginning any intense program, and ensure you maintain a balanced, healthy diet throughout the process.

3 month weight gain program